GCAC Family,
To ensure that those who are in nursing homes or are shut-in during this difficult time aren’t feeling forgotten, we would like to launch a card ministry to them.
We are asking the GCAC church family to participate. Here’s how you can help:
- If you know or have a relationship with a shut-in or a personal care or nursing home resident, we encourage you to reach out to them. Send them a card.
- Call and check on them. Let them know that they haven’t been forgotten.
- If you do not know any shut-ins or personal care or nursing home residents, we are asking you to prepare a card, artwork, kid’s drawing, or letter – any remembrance of our most senior and vulnerable family, friends, or neighbors. Then, drop it off at the church during our normal office hours. Once a week we will have someone deliver these to area nursing homes for distribution to those who are most alone or need encouragement.
This would be a great family project to adopt while children are home from school and would really brighten the life of a person who cannot have face-to-face visits during our time of social distancing. It would be a great project for a Connect Group to adopt during this challenging time.
Here are some guidelines in order to minimize the risk to the people who will be receiving the cards:
- If you have a fever, are coughing, or have any symptoms consistent with influenza or coronavirus, do not send mail until you are not contagious.
- Use a sponge or cloth to wet the seal and the stamp, so that no saliva will remain on the envelope.
- Wash and sanitize your hands while handling the mail, so that the card or letter will be less likely to have any contagions. Be aware that nursing homes will likely hold the mail for the duration that the CDC recommends.
Be sure to add a brief personal note and word of encouragement, reminding the recipient that they are remembered. If you can make this a regular habit – once or twice a week – it would really bring joy at this time of confusion and fear for nursing home residents and shut-ins.
If you have any questions, you can contact Kelly Haux at khaux@zoominternet.net