It takes many hands to make and care for a community and its resources. If you consider yourself a part of this community, your blessing of lending a hand is welcomed and encouraged. Serving helps create and grow our community where we walk with each other into a deeper life in Christ. There are many ways to care for and make a difference in our community. Below are some of those ways. Talk with us about ways that interest you to see what might work for you to be another hand in creating community.

Service Teams


At GCAC, we desire to partner with parents to influence the spiritual development of every child involved in our ministry. We are committed to providing fun and safe ministry environments that promote opportunities for growing while helping families know JesusIf you love kids and Jesus, you are equipped to serve in our Kid’s ministries.

Click here for ways to serve     Contact Jen Peters


Oasis Student Ministry is a safe harbor for students to grapple with the inward journey in Christ by experiencing upward worship and engaging in outward mission while moving onward together in community.

Click here for ways to serve     Contact Kasey Mckinnis


Students that come into our church in this age range are looking for adults to walk alongside them, build a relationship with them, and influence their faith.

Click here for ways to serve     Contact Adrienne Orris


We all appreciate a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Do you care about people and want to serve on a team to make our community a place that is friendly, helpful, and welcoming? You can enhance the atmosphere of our fellowship through greeting and serving at the welcome center.

Contact Pastor Nate Grossoehme


The C.O.R.E. Team enables us to provide our C.O.R.E. (Casual, Open, Relaxed Environment) Worship Venue during two of our worship times on Sundays. This requires both a set-up team (Sundays at 8:00 AM) to transform our Gym into the Worship Venue as well as a take-down team (Sundays at 12:15 PM). The set-up and take-down does not require a particular skill set. You can be a vital part of the ministry by serving in our C.O.R.E. Venue. Sign up for a Sunday a month to help serve.

Contact Pastor Goodman


Our task is to lead people to His throne in worship every week. Together we read Scripture, pray, and make joyful music unto the Lord.

Contact Jess Allan


If you love photography, we have a spot for you. We would love to get photos of some of our events that take place at GCAC.  This would be on an as needed basis.

Contact Pastor Nate Grossoehme


Our building and facilities are heavily used. Because of this, we have many projects to accomplish. If you enjoy hands-on helping in building and grounds-related areas, then this team is for you! Limited time or skills are not an issue.

Contact Pastor Goodman


Looking for a great place to serve within the church, to engage with people and be a part of a larger team, serving once every four weeks?


Each Sunday, the usher team is responsible for seating, door access, church walkthroughs, answering or directing inquiries, and securing the offering. Ushers strive to be cheerful, inviting, and ready to greet people and direct them to their destination within the church.


The usher team is trained in its normal Sunday procedures as well as responses to many scenarios, such as medical emergencies. In the last four years the team has responded to nine medical emergencies with the assistance of medical professionals that attend the church. Life skills such as verbal de-escalation and first aid are taught to team members.


Contact Kevin Fox