8:00AM | 9:30AM | 11:00AM
8:00AM | 9:30AM | 11:00AM
Temporary Adjustment to our Sunday Morning Services
Due to the continued rise of confirmed COVID-19 cases throughout our community, including a number of confirmed COVID-19 cases of people who are a part of our church family, of which two cases are serious, and the related quarantines of some of our staff, we will temporarily be adjusting our Sunday morning services to a combination of online and drive-in church offerings only. Although we have not determined any COVID-19 spread as a result of our indoor services, the fact that Mercer county has been designated as “substantial” in relation to COVID-19 cases causes us to wisely adjust our large group gatherings as a proactive measure to care for our congregation, staff and volunteers and assist our community in controlling the rise of cases.
This is not a shutdown. We continue moving forward in our Onward Together, Outward Mission and Inward Journey. We are only making a temporary adjustment to how we accomplish Upward Worship. Our church office remains open and our ministry staff will continue to serve you and the needs of our congregation for the glory of God. The church leadership will continue to prayerfully monitor our circumstances and will let you know when in-person services will resume. We appreciate your continued support, patience and understanding as we adjust to the changing nature of the pandemic.
This pandemic is wearing on all of us! We get it. However, this is the “in-between time”. God’s promises will be fulfilled! The faithfulness of God’s people during times of crisis and challenge will greatly influence the trajectory of what is to come. Stay the course. Lean heavily into His arms. Instead of grumbling, find ways to rejoice. Instead of sulking, find a need and meet it for the glory of God. This is an opportunity for the people of God to shine in their communities!
During this time, we would ask you to continue to pray for our community, our church, and all of those dealing with sickness or other struggles during the ongoing pandemic. If there are specific needs that you may have, please do not hesitate to call our church office. We are here to come alongside you and bring Jesus to all people, all over the world!
GCAC Leadership Team
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