
We are committed to equipping parents with tools to assist you in your role as the primary faith influencer of your children. This spring, we are thrilled to welcome three experts in the field of discipleship and culture. Come out and be strengthened and encouraged in your parenting, catch some great takeaways, and walk with other parents seeking to honor the Lord in this highest of callings God has gifted to us.

Grandparents, you are key spiritual investors in the lives of your grandkids.  Come and hear what is happening in youth culture today and glean insights that will help you point your grandkids to Jesus.


  • dr. Walt Mueller

    Center for Parent Youth Understanding | Keynote Speaker & Seminar Presenter

    • Keynote Address | Youth Culture 101

    • Seminar 1 | Stressed Out
    Jesus told His followers, "Do not be anxious."  Is that even possible in today's world?  Anxiety has reached epidemic proportions among our kids - it's not the number one healthcare concern on college campuses.  Even preschoolers are feeling more pressure than that experienced by previous generations.  What is anxiety, and how is it affecting today's children and teens?  What are its causes?  How can we stand in the gap to provide responses that ease the pressure, calming kids for the sake of the gospel.

    • Seminar 2 | Growing Up in a Porn World
    Gone are the days when a boy would have to work to find pornography.  New technologies have combined with our brokenness to create a world where even the youngest of kids - male and female - will be found by pornography long before they might go looking for it themselves.  In this seminar, we will look at how the pervasive presence of pornography is shaping youth culture and out kids.  We will look beyond the facts to discover the influence pornography has in young lives, along with sharing some practical hope-filled strategies for equipping kids to live godly lives in the midst of a culture where pornography has been normalized.
  • dr. duffy robbins

    Grove City College | Seminar Presenter

    • Seminar 1 | Getting Into Their Heads: Understanding the Teenage Mind
    Is life so different from when I was 13?  What makes the teenage years so tough?  This seminar will give you some insight into why your teenager acts the way they do ... or the way they don't.
    • Seminar 2 | Intentional Parenting: Practical Principles
    The problem with parenting is that we have to practice on live subjects.  Just when we think we've learned a little about how to do it better, another child comes along, with a different personality, and different issues, and different aspirations.  And we have to learn all over again!  But, there are some principles that encircle the whole process, and it's those principles we want to identify and affirm in this session.
  • Shawna murlin

    AWANA | Seminar Presenter

    • Seminar 1 | Building a Culture of Discipleship in Your Home
    You're heard the saying, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast."  Family discipleship isn't just another thing to cross off your to-do list, it's a culture you can build, day in and day out in your home.  Come and join the conversation about building a culture of discipleship in your home!
    • Seminar 2 | 10 Practical Ways to Disciple Your Kids Today
    Family faith conversations don't always come naturally, and starting them can feel scripted and awkward.  Let's look at ten ideas for making those biblical conversations simple, practical, and - dare I say - fun.  This will give us a foundation to form consistent, doable discipleship habits in our homes.


8:30 AM

Doors Open

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Main Session

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

Seminar 1

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM

Seminar 2

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM

Wrap Up Session

registration costs

$15 / Person

$10 / Kid for Childcare w/ a $20 Family Maximum (after 2 kids it is just $20)

Childcare Registration Deadline | Sunday, March 23