Our goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ: teaching them to know God intimately, love Him passionately and to serve Him faithfully. We desire to build bridges to families and equip them. In the process, we are committed to enlist, equip and encourage others to do the same.
sunday Morning programs
Summer Bible Blast
sunday mornings 9:00am and 10:30am
Kids won't wan to miss the AWESOME Kid's Church ministries happening on Sunday mornings this summer during the 9:00am and 10:30am services. Kids will learn about God in a fun and engaging way all summer long! The Summer Bible Blast begins on May 21st and goes until Promotion Sunday on August 27th.
Classroom Ages and Locations
Birth-24months - Nursery
2's Class - Nursery 2's Classroom
3's & 4's - Aquarium
5 & K - Outfitters Peak/Sporting Goods
Grades 1-4 - Children's Worship Center
Grades 5 & 6 - Candy Store
Kids Church
There are currently three Children’s Church programs serving ages 2 years through 6th grade. These classes focus on teaching children Biblical lessons and application through many Bible stories, videos, puppets, crafts, drama, music, and guest speakers.
Class Location
Birth-24Months Nursery
2's Class Nursery
3's and 4's Class Aquarium
5's Class Outfitters Peak
Kindergarten Sporting Goods
1st-6th Grade Worship Center
Our nursery includes separate rooms for infants as well as crawlers and walkers. The nursery plays a vital part in enabling parents to participate in worship services and allows them to serve God in ministry while their children are receiving excellent care. We have a top notch nursery that provides a clean, safe place for the littlest ones of our church. We are staffed with wonderful volunteers who provide loving care to the many infants and toddlers who attend each week. We also have a paid nursery attendant on staff. Kim Barclay does a wonderful job of directing our volunteers and ensures that the nursery remains a clean and safe environment.